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Print Appearances Marina Plastic Surgery

Oct-87 The Argonaut "Prevention of Breast Cancer Means Early Diagnosis"
Oct-87 The Argonaut "Breast Reconstruction Surgery: Now Possible After Cancer Surgery"
Jun-88 The Argonaut "The Shapes of Summer"
Feb-89 The Argonaut "Retin-A: Does it Really Work?"
May-89 The Argonaut "Permanent Lashliner"
Oct-89 Glamour "Exercise and Your Breasts"
Oct-89 The Argonaut "Breast Cancer Detection, Treatment Seminar Offered at Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital"
?/89 The Argonaut "Congress Holds Hearings on Cosmetic Surgery"
?/89 The Argonaut  "Cosmetic Surgery Gives A Lift"
Sep-90 Los Angeles Times Magazine "Breast Reconstruction Surgery: Now or Later?"
Nov-90 LA Times Magazine "Forever Young"
Nov-90 Plastic Surgery News "Members Play a Major Role in Advertising Legislation"
Dec-90 The Argonaut "Cosmetic Improvement Doesn’t Have to Involve Surgery."
Feb-91 Mens Fitness "More From the Experts" Male Plastic Surgery
Feb-91 The Argonaut "Paris Lip Debuts in France"
Apr-91 Longevity "More Than Skin Deep Results"
Apr-91 The Argonaut "Preventing Breast Problems"
May-91 Los Angeles Today "Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Available for Aging Hands"
Jun-91 USA Today "New Treatments For Those Vain About Vericose Veins
Jul-91 The Outlook "Killer Rays"
Aug-91 The Argonaut "Your Healthy Tan Isn’t So Healthy"
Nov-91 Wall Street Journal "Breast Implants: Don’t Take Away the Right to Choose"
Nov-91 Los Angeles Times "Choosing Any Surgeon is a Personal Right" 
Jan-92 The Daily Breeze "Surgeries Delayed by FDA’s Ruling"
Feb-92 The Daily Breeze "Making he Choice: Women Sort Out Facts"
Mar-92 Los Angeles Magazine "What the Experts Say"
Apr-92 Business Week "I Guess the TOPIC of Salt Water is Going Up."
Apr-92 The Daily Breeze "Silicone Implant Use Curbed"
Apr-92 Daily News "Implant Makers, Surgeons, Cancer Victims Welcome Ruling."
Jun-92 Los Angeles Times " Safety of Breast Implants: A Mixed Message"
Nov-92 The Daily Breeze "Life Begins at 40/ Cable TV Show for Middle Aged Women Finds a Ready Audience"
1992 The Beach Reporter "Young Patients Choosing Surgery To Correct Tired Looking Eyes"
1992 The Daily Breeze "Breast Reduction Surgery"
1992 The Daily Breeze "The Micropeel Treatment"
1992 The Argonaut "Profiles in Business"
1992 The Argonaut "Room For Improvement: The Eyelids Have It"
Mar-93 Longevity "Time on Your Hands"
Sep-93 The Daily Breeze "Breast Reduction"
Oct-93 Body & Soul Plastic Surgery for Men
Feb-94 The Beach Reporter "The Modern Art of Liposculpture"
Apr-94 Longevity "Shocking Away Aging"
Apr-94 Womens Day Beauty "Undoing the Damage: When Plastic Surgery Goes Wrong"
Oct-94 Daily Breeze "Fruit Derivitives Pass the Acid Test for Skin Care"
Mar-95 the Outlook "It May Be Disgusting But Leech Repair Works."
Apr-95 Los Angeles Times (04/06/95) "Doctors Employ Leeches in Treating Victims of Flesh Eating Bacteria"
Dec-95 Life & Style "Smooth Progress" Laser Peels
Jan-96 The Argonaut (01/11/96) "Modern Liposuction Technology can Minimize the Need For Stitches"
May-96 The Argonaut "Institute at Plastic Surgery Associates Combines Doctors, Spas"
Jun-96 Glamour "Shopping for a Surgeon"
Jul-96 Palos Verdes Penninsula News "The Skin Game"
Jul-96 The Argonaut (07/18/96) "Plastic Surgery Asscociates Can Fix Figure Woes"
Dec-96 Cooking Light "Zap Laser Hype"
Jan-97 Health File "Plastic for the Masses"
Jan-97 Palos Verdes Style "Tummy Tucks – New Procedures For Old Problems"
Jun-97 California Stylist & Salon "The Institute Celebrates their First Year"
Jul-97 Women’s Own "The Buzz About Ultrasonic Liposuction."
Jul-97 DaySpa "Medical Esthetics"
Jul-97 Palos Verdes Style "I Want My Figure Back"
Sep-97 Forbes "No Place To Hide"
1997 The Daily Breeze "Micropeel Skin Treatment May Reduce Appearance of Age""
1997 The Beach Reporter "Men and Cosmetic Surgery"
1997 The Daily Breeze "Micropeel Skin Treatment Can Help Soften Appearance of Age""
1997 The Argonaut "Profiles In Business"
1997 The Argonaut "Dr. Stevens’ Micropeel Treatment May Be Appropriate For Sun-Lovers"
Apr-98 Cosmetic Surgery Times "Responsible Patients Fare Better Before and After CO2 Laser Surgery"
Jul-98 Skin & Aging "How to Improve Your Laser Skin Resurfacing Clinical Outcomes"
Sep-98 Skin & Aging "Removing Acne Scars With Laser Surgery"
Jan-99 Cosmetic Surgery Times "Welcome W. Grant Stevens, M.D"
Apr-99 Los Angeles Business Journal "Plastic Surgeon and Patients Seeking to Turn Back Time"
May-99 Palos Verdes Style "New Medical Device Helps Physicians Customize Anesthesia During Surgery"
May-99 Cosmetic Surgery Times "PPMC Changes for the Better"
Sep-99 Plastic Surgery Products "Education and the Internet"
Sep-99 Skin & Aging "Choosing the Best Options to Treat Acne Scars"
Issue 1 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Uplifting Experience" Laser Breast Surgery
Oct-99 Heart & Soul Magazine "Skin Care for Black Skin"
Jul-00 People/Aus. vers. "Who" magazine Teenage Plastic Surgery – "Skin Deep Solution"
USA Today "Los Angeles still Big on Breast Implants"
Issue 2 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "The Laser Bra"
Issue 3 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Correcting Inverted Nipples"
Issue 3 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Redefining Shape"
Aug-00 Business 2.0 Magazine "How Internet Business Affects Plastic Surgery in the Male Population"
Oct-00 Elle "A Little Pick-Me-Up" / The Laser Bra
Dec-00 National Examiner "Laser Bra Surgery…lets women throw away their bras forever!"
Issue 4 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "The Ultra Lift"
Issue 5 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Breast Implant Corrections"
Issue 5 Body Language "Firm Support with a Laser"
Issue 5 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Men & The Mirror- What Men Want"
Issue 6 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Breast Augmentation  vs  Boob Job"
Oct-03 Daily Breeze Ask the Expert-" Will my Insurance PUBLICATION Pay for my Breast Reduction?"
Issue 7 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "I Want My Figure Back"
Issue 7 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Thermage"
Issue 7 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "The Eyes Have It"
Sep-03 Los Angeles Magazine "ThermaCool"
Oct-03 Women’s World Magazine "Thermacool-Interview w/WGS”
Nov-03 FEM Magazine/UCLA "Cohesive Gel Implants"
Nov-03 Los Angeles Magazine "SiliMed" Gummy Bear Implants
Nov-03 Palos Verdes Style Magazine ThermaCool Facelift
Issue 8 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Waist Away"
Issue 8 Cosmetic Surgery Magazine "Total Body Makeover"
Dec-03 Daily Breeze Newspaper "Ask the Expert"  What Are the New Gummy Bear Breast Implants
Feb-04 MSNBC- WebSite Gummy Bear Breast Implants  "Seeking Better Breast Implants"
Mar-04 Health & Fitness Magazine "Cool Lift" ThermaCool Facelift
Mar-04 Santa Barbara News Press ThermaCool Facelift – "Turn Back the Clock" 
Jul-04 ISCLINICAL Newsletter "Ask the Expert"
Sep-04 LA Times "Prescription for Pampering/Spa Treatments Undergo a Medical Makeover" 9/20/04
Sep-04 Plastic Surgery Magazine Medical Day Spas
Sep-04 LA Times "Toward a Safer Implant?" 9/20/04
Nov/Dec 03 Spa Finder Magazine Non-Invasive Facelifts
Cut from Print Wall Street Journal "Aesthetic Gift Giving for Christmas"
Apr-05 Item Magazine Top Plastic Surgeons
Apr-05 Plastic Surgery Products Mag "Visia" – Interview w/Cory
Jun-05 Radar (Vanity Fair Sister Magazine) "Current Events with Plastic Surgery"
Jul-05 Women’s Health Mag-Taiwan "Gummies Aren’t for Dummies" 
Jul-05 Details Men’s Magazine "Pressure to Look Attractive"
Sep-05 New Plastic Surgery OnLine Mag "The Laser Bra"
Dec-05 Item Magazine "The Institute" – A Story of Medical Day Spas
Sep-06 Esquire Magazine "Pick The Perfect Nipple"  (interviewed in June 06)
Aug-06 New York Times "Surgery Buddies"  Patients Bring Friends (8-27-06 NYTimes issue)
Oct-06 GRAZIA Magazine – UK "The Laser Bra"  (article appeared in April 2, 2007 issue)
Oct-06 LA Parent Magazine Fraxel
Oct-06 C Magazine Fraxel
Oct-06 Millionaire Magazine Fraxel
Feb-07 Angeleno / Riviera Fraxel : "The Radar Beauty/Under Your Skin"  (interviewed WGS in 10/06)
Apr-07 Allure The Mother Story – WGS is interviewed re: sx on his Mother
Aug-07 Daily Breeze A Mommy Makeover Monday, August 6th 2007  Edition
Aug-07 Maria Claire UK A Mommy Makeover
Aug-07 STAR Magazine Fraxel 1500 Laser System –  August 8th, 2007 Issue
Aug-07 TOP SURGEONS GUIDE – BOOK 10 page spread about our practice & WGS
Aug-07 C Magazine Fraxel  1500- "My first-hand experience" by Jenny Hooks, managing Editor of C Magazine
Aug-07 Women Inc. Fraxel 1500 & What women can do to look their best!  Interviewed WGS on 8-24-07
Oct-07 Wired Magazine / Conde Naste Interview w-WGS on 8-9-07 & 8-18  "Evolution of Silicone Breast Implants"
Oct-07 New York Times/ Style Section:   Dr. Stoker & Mommy Makeovers    (10-4-07 issue)
Oct-07 Daily Express – London Dr. Stoker & Mommy Makeovers    (10-16-07 issue)  DAS interviewed on 10-10-07
Nov-07 Glamour -Allure – Self  MAGAZINES 2007 "Premier Plastic Surgeons of California" – features WGS & DAS
Nov-07 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin The Biological Clock’s Toll on Hands  
Feb-08 Esquire Magazine Inverted Nipples – WGS
Apr-08 New York Times/ Style Section:   "Putting The Best Face on Cosmetic Surgeons" 
Apr-08 Daily Breeze More Men are Drinking at the Cosmetic Sx Fountain of Youth
Jul-08 USA Today-cover Plastic Surgery Slump  USA Today/-7-8-2008 issue money/economics – WGS quoted
Jul-08 Allure Magazine SCALPEL NEWS/ "Double Surgery Controversy" (WGS re: Donda West issue)
Jul-08 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "LA Breast Aug Study Tracks Saline Deflation"  (7-31-2008)
Aug-08 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Study of PS Confirms Safety of Combined Procedures" (8-5-2008)
Aug-08 In Flight Magazine The Best Plastic Surgeons in America – Dr. Grant Stevens
Aug-08 Plastic Surgery Products Magazine Breast Reduction- photos & interview w-WGS
Aug-09 American Health & Beauty.com Eleme’ Medical Premiers SmoothShapes System with Dr. Grant Stevens
Aug-08 Plastic Surgery Products Magazine "Battling the Media"  — WGS interviewed 8-5-08
Sep-08 Les Nouvelles Esthetiques WGS — Cellulite & Therapy
Sep-08 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com BH & Pasadena Breast Reduction: Not just for Women Anymore   (9-30-2008)
Nov-08 SET Magazine MD LASH
Apr-09 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "More Lipo Pts Combining Dietary Changes w-Cosmetic Surgery"  (4-3-2009)
Apr-09 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "More Micro Lipo Pts Choosing Combo Surgery"  (4-10-2009)
Apr-09 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com ""Tummy Tuck Surgeons Advise Post Weight Loss Pts to Choose Carefully" (4-16-2009)
Apr-09 AmericanHealth "Younger Breast Reduction Pts Increasingly Opt for Nipple Preserving Approcahes (4-27-09)
May-09 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Real Housewife Battles Cellulite at LA Practice"  (5-21-2009)
May/June 09 VIV Magazine Beauty Interventions  – Interview w/Dr. Stevens
May/June 09 Aesthetics Buyers Guide Eleme story /Mona Green and Cellulite w-Smoothshapes
Jul-09 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Combined Breast Surgery & Tummy Tuck, New Study Results"  (7-15-2009)
Jul-09 New Beauty Magazine-Fall Issue Elise Minton interviews WGS on "Signs of Aging"   (Fall Issue)
Jul-09 Cosmetic Sx Times  -DAS "Laser bra"
Aug-09 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Nipple Reduction Sx Offers Added Benies for Breast Enhancement Pts" (8-17-2009)
Aug-09 eHow.com Large Breast Implants for Demand Studio – interviewed WGS
Aug-09 ALLURE.com  (8-17-09 post) "Does This Breast Trend Go Too Far?"  8-17-09  (WGS re: Nipple Sx)
Sep-09 PSP Magazine "W. Grant Stevens MD, FACS, on Cohesive Gel Implants  
Sep-09 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Nipple Improvement through Radiesse"  (9-22-2009)
Oct-09 Radiant Life Magazine WGS – Interview
Nov-09 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Getting Your Body Back: The Mommy Makeover"  11-16-2009)
Nov-09 People Magazine    – DAS Body Lift on male winner of "Biggest Loser" –  Neil Tejwani
Nov-09 MEDIA OPP/ THERMAGE BUS  11/16/09  Publicity Party with:
Jan-10 People Magazine    Jeana Keough’s Knees w-WGS   
Nov-09 Los Angeles Magazine 11-16-09  Press Conference THERMAGE BUS
Nov-09 Westside 11-16-09  Press Conference THERMAGE BUS
Nov-09 VIV Magazine 11-16-09  Press Conference THERMAGE BUS
Nov-09 LA Splash  11-16-09  Press Conference THERMAGE BUS
Dec-09 Health.com WGS interviewed re: Mommy Makeovers: "Considering Post Partum Plastic Surgery?"
Mar-10 ALLURE Magazine Tell All(Most) Being Secretive about Surgery   Quote from Charlie Sheridan
Mar-10 ET.com  "Cosmetic Surgery Secrets from Doctors to Stars" — WGS/Thermage/Fraxel Bus
Mar-10 Book Interview Interview w- WGS re: FLY IN patients and Virtual Consultations (from Sydney, Australia)
Apr-10 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "For LA Nose Sx Pts, Trend is to Retain Ethnic Trait"  (4-13-2010)
Apr-10 Modern Mom First Hand story of a BAM — Brooke Burke’s new web site  
Apr-10 BizyMoms.com Interview w-WGS re: What procedures are available today
Apr-10 Endless Beauty.com – (4/27/10) Interview w- WGS    "Breast Ideas, Post Baby"
May-10 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "PS Sees More Pts Choosing Zerona/Zeltiq as NonInvasive Options"  (5-12-2010)
May-10 People Magazine (Spanish) Personal story: Pt Vernica Reveles’ Body lift by WGS
May-10 Fabulous Magazine – UK WGS interviewed re: Nipple Surgery
May-10 Newsweek Advertorial:  WGS & DAS  "Health issue"  Best Surgeons of LA – Full Page
Aug-10 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Surgeon Celebrates 15 yrs of The Laser Bra Lift in LA"  (8-3-2010)
Sep-10 Allure Magazine WGS comments on Tiger’s lovers / "How certain women get their look"
Sep-10 LA Times – Skin Deep Column WGS comments on Teen Botoxing (Following Clarice’s Botox on Glee)
Sep-10 PSP Magazine  Dr. Suzanne Quardt comments on working for WGS
Oct-10 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Cosmetic Procedures for Baby Boomers on The Rise"  (10-12-10)
Oct-10 Los Angeles NewspaperGroup WGS Laura   interviewed re:  Coolsculpting 
Nov-10  Daily Breeze Shape up in 1 hour w- Coolsculpting  (Cover story) with WGS
Nov-10 LB Press Telegram HEALTHBEAT Shape up in 1 hour w- Coolsculpting  (Cover story) with WGS
Dec-10 American Contemporary Art On comparisons to Pollack and her Artistic Journey – Natalie Gray  (with WGS mention)
Dec-10 breastimplants4you.com Breast Lift Alternative Article
Jan-11 DIVA Magazine  (Cairo Egypt) Famous PlasticSurgeon/Celebrity Plastic Surgery    "The Beauty  of Plastic Surgery"
Apr-11 American Health & Beauty.com "Popularity of Cosmetic Surgery For Male Patients On The Rise"  ( 4-15-11)
Apr-11 Hijabtrendz "Economy not an issue for beauty seekers" (4-4-11)  
Apr-11 NYDailyNews.com  "Plastic Surgery Procedures Spike Bucking Recession Trends"   4-4-11
Apr-11 EverBeautiful.com "Plastic Surgery Procedures Spike Showing That Beauty is Recession-Proof"   4-5-11
Apr-11 BreastImplants4you.com "Laser Bra Breast Surgery"
Apr-11 Allure.com  (4-21-09 post) "You think you’ve got weird Ears"  (4-21-11)
Apr-11 Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine "ASAPS 2011: The Road To Practice Growth"  Issue Stories
Apr-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "What is The Exilis"  (4-26-11)
May-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Exilis Reviews:Who is the Ideal Patient"  (5-2-11)
May-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Freeze Your Fat in time to look good this summer"    (5-4-11)
May-11 Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine Zeltiq
May-11 EverBeautiful.com Hate your Nipples? Nipple Enhancement Surgery is on the Rise  (5-16-11)
May-11 THE Aesthetic Guide Non-Invasive Body Shaping Technologies
May-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Nose Reconstruction"  (5-26-11)
Jun-11 Vogue WGS – interviewed in Brazil
Jul-11 HealthNewsDigest.com  "It’s Summer-So Freeze Your Butt Off"  WGS- Coolsculpting interview
Jul-11 LA TIMES-Sunday July 24 "No Knife Needed" – Interview with WGS  (7-24-11)
Jul-11 LaTimes.com "Nonsurgical cosmetic treatments growing in Popularity"   (7-24-2011)
Jul-11 American Health & Beauty.com "How Does a Fat Transfer Work?"  (7-14-11)
Jul-11 Beautylish.com "Would You Freeze Your Fat Away?" – Interview with WGS  (7-15-11)
Jul-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "How To Get Rid of Bra Fat Without Surgery"   (7-28-11)
Aug-11 Dermascope Magazine TAKE NOTE SECTION:  The Institutes celebrates 15 years.."
Aug-11 RealSelf.com Hand Rejuvenation  with Limelight
Aug-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "3 Non-Surgical Ways to get rid of Wrinkles"  (8-10-11)
Aug-11 AboutPlasticSurgery.com   (Formerly Breast Implants411.com) Total Body makeover by WGS (8.11.11)
Aug-11 Breast Health / Herald de Paris More Than One Disease/ The Healing Diet – WGS mention
Aug-11 eYugoslavia It’s Summer-So Freeze Your Butt Off  WGS- Coolsculpting interview  (8-17-11)
Aug-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Turn Back the Clock with These 2 Skin Tightening Facelift Alternatives" (8-18-11)
Sep-11 HealthyLivingStuff.com Plastic Surgery for Men  (8-19-11)
Sep-11 RealSelf.com Facelift vs. Thermage
Sep-11 THE Aesthetic Guide Quoted on IS Clinical’s Super Serum + on the ASDS & ASPS mettings
Sep-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "A Better Breast Reduction with the Laser Bra Procedure?"   (9-19-11)
Sep-11 The Argonaout MPSA’s 25th Anniversary Party  (9-22-11 issue)
Sep-11 MarinaDelRey.Patch.com MdR Plastic Surgeon celebrates 25 yrs of Business (9-22-11)
Sep-11 BHO "Is a Pink or Grey Barrier affecting the Quality of your Life?"  (9-23-11)
Sep-11 PackFlair.com The Science of Beauty – Comment from WGS
Sep-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Millionaire Matchmaker Joins MPS in Celebrating 25th Anniversary" (9-29-11)
Oct-11 LA TIMES-Mon October 3th  "Dents in Cellulite Theory" WGS quoted re: treating Jeanna Keough
Oct-11 Los Angeles Business Journal L.A. BIZ SEEN :   WGS & Patti Stanger SEEN at MPSA’s 25th Anniversary Party (10-3-11)
Oct-11 Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine "PSP Cover Story-WGS/ A Viable Future"
Oct-11 Everyday Health.com interview w- WGS re: Breast Augmentation
Oct-11 Everyday Health.com interview w-WGS re: Breat Reduction
Oct-11 Everyday Health.com interview w-WGS re: Autologus Fat Transfers
Oct-11 Everyday Health.com interview w-WGS re: Breast Implants & Breast Augmentation
Oct-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Influence of Steves Jobs is Everywhere, even Plastic Surgery" (10-07-11) WGS/iphoneApp
Oct-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com XEOMIN: A more cost effective Botox Alternative? (10-31-11)
Oct-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Improving a Woman’s Self Esteem with Breast Implants" – MAS
Oct-11 LosAngelesHealth&Beauty.com MPS-Celebrating 25 years in the Marina  (10-21-11)
Oct-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com Xeomin: A More Cost Effective Botox Aletrnative  (10-31-11)
Nov-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Xeomin: Now Available in Los Angeles"   (11-8-2011)
Nov-11 American Health & Beauty.com "Treating Back Fat with Coolsculpting?"  (11-11-11)
Nov-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Correcting Labial Redundancy with a Labiaplasty?"   (11-21-11)
Nov-11 ABCnewsMedicalUnit "The Doctors" TV Show features Labia Reduction Sx  (11-21-11)
Nov-11 HealthNewsDigest.com  "Just FDA Apprd, XEOMIN is Addictive Free, Considerably Less Expensive)  (11-11-11)
Nov-11 Groomed-LA.com "So far SO GREAT: XEOMIN Is here"  (11-16-11)
Nov-11 HealthNewsDigest.com  "Grant Stevens MD featured on ‘The Doctors" performing Vaginal Rejuvenation (11-17-11)
Nov-11 DailyMail.co.uk  (BLOG) "I feel deformed down there" Reality TV seees woman get PS on her genitilia (11-23-11)
Nov-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Lose Body fat Without Surgery?"  (11-25-11)
Nov-11 RealSelf.com "Young Woman Discusses her Labiaplasty on Nat’l TV"  blog (11-26-11)
Dec-11 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Using Cold to Freeze Fat Off"  (12-22-11)
Dec-11 HeathNewsDigest.com "PIP Implant Recall was Predicted in 2005"  (12-28-11)
Dec-11 HealthNewsDigest.com  "Will 2012 be the year PSs Help Solve Most Embarassing Problems For Ever"
Jan-12 GinkoBiloba.com "Real Housewives" Battles Cellulite at LA Practice
Jan-12 Allure Magazine "Behind The Bandages"  (Jan 2012 issue)
Jan-12 SkyNewsHD  Blogs.news.sky.com "PIP – Who Knew?" (1-6-2012)
Jan-12 Fox News "French Firm Warned About Faulty Implants 7 Years Ago"  (1-6-2012)
Jan-12 Metro News    metro.co.uk "Breast Implant Fears Surfaced 7 yrs ago as Women Await Report"  PIP Implants
Jan-12 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Coolsculpting: Top Non-Invasive Contouring in 2011"  (1-6-2012)
Jan-12 HealthNewsDigest.com  "VECTRA 3D Imaging Can Help Patients Visualize Their New Looks"  (1-10-12)
Jan-12 PlasticSurgeonsNews.com "CoolSculpting Gel Quickly Gets Rid of Fat, Approved by FDA"    (1-13-2012)  WGS & SPRING
Jan-12 Stern Magazine  (Germany) WGS comments on PIP Breast Implants "And now the Fear"  
Jan-12 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Exilis: The Non-Invasive Skin Firming Treatment"  (1-30-12)
Jan/Feb2012 The Aesthetic Guide  "Liposonix Delivers on it’s Promise of Effective Non-Surgical Contouring"
Feb-12 RealSelf.com "Red Carpet Beauty Secrets: Are they Really Worth it?"   (2-16-12)
Feb-12 PSP Magazine "Grant Stevens, MD, Performs PIP Explantation"
Feb-12 BakersfieldCalifornian "Buyer Beware – Women Regret Choice of COSMETIC surgeons" 
Mar-12 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Fat Freezing Confusion: Coolsculpting vs Venus Freeze"  (3-7-12)
Mar-12 HealthNewsDigest.com  "MPSA Offers FDA Cleared CELLULZE Laser Treatment  (3-12-2012)
Mar-12 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Lasers to Reduce Pore Size?"  ( 3-13-12)
Mar-12 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "Natural Fat Instead of Synthetic Facial Fillers to Add Volume"   (3-30-12)
Apr-12 HealthNewsDigest.com  "Clear + Brilliant" Laser System Offered By The Stevens Institute (4-2-12)
Apr-12 Allure Magazone   – Allure.com "The Gummy Bear Breast implant"  (4-9-12)
Apr-12 RealSelf.com "Too Much Botox Could Leave you Looking Like The Easter Bunny"
Apr-12 TheHuffingtonPost "Gummy Bear Breast implants: The New Wave of Silicone Breast Augmentation"  (4-9-12)
Apr-12 MSN.com "Gummy Bear Breast Implants are Soft, Squishy-not Runny"  (4-10-12)
Apr-12 BillionairLounge.com "Gummy Bear Breast Implants: How the sweet treat inspired the newest advances…"    WGS interview & video(4-10-12)
Apr-12 PerezHilton.com "Gummy Bear Implants"  (4-11-12)
Apr-12 Groomed-LA.com "A new Cellulite Cure-all: CELLULAZE CRAZE"  (4-18-12)
Apr-12 BreastAugmentationResources.com "Laser Bra- A Different Kind of Breast Reduction"
Apr-12 HealthLeaders Magazine "The Competition"  (April 2012 issue)  WGS- healthleadersmedia.com
Apr-12 VOGUE MAGAZINE WGS Interview – "Clothing Optional" New Non-surgical Body Contouring Devices   (Oct 2012)
May-12 abcnews.go.com "Gummy Bear Breast Implants; The Future of Breast Augmentation Sx??"   (5-21-12)
Jun-12 Wall Street Journal WGS interview re: Cellulaze
Jun-12 Health Magazine Hand Care /Younger Looking Hands
Aug-12 AmericanHealth&Beauty.com "New Gummy Bear Implants Getting Women’s Attention"   (8-1-12)
Aug-12 HealthNewsDigest.com  "WGS to Speak at ISAPS in Geneva Sept 4-8, 2012"
Sep-12 Health.com FoxNews.com  Secret To Younger Looking Hands  (9-9-12)
Sep-12 HealthNewsDigest.com  TruSculpt Cellulite Treatment (9-27-12)
Oct-12 Surgical Aesthetics Magazine WGS- Liposuction techniques  
Oct-12 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS & MAS – Realself.com Hosting Webinar on CELLULAZE (10-15-12)
Oct-12 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS "Five year Follow up Data on Sientra (Silimed) Breast Implants  (10-29-12)
Oct-12 PlasticSurgeryPractice.com  "Interim 5-year Sientra Results Look Good!"  (10-30-12)
Nov-12 CosmeticSurgery&BeautyMag CosBeauty.com.au    ASAPS 2012   ..>As the sun shone in Darwin, plastic surgeons from across the US…..
Nov-12 TodaysHonoree.wordpress.com Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Michelle Spring, is Today’s Honoree  (11-8-12)
Dec-12 Dermstore.com "Want to Lose a Baby Pouch Without Surgery? Coolsculpting has arrived"  (12-19-12)
Dec-12 RealBollywood.com "Freezing the Fat Rather than Burning it Off is the Latest Rage…"    (12-28-12)
Dec-12 theAge.com.au "Free your fat off, chill seekers"  (12-28-12)
Jan-13 MARIE CLAIRE Magazine WGS- Natural Looking Breast Implant Surgery (interviewed on 10-1-12) "Did She or Didn’t She?"
Jan-13 Aust Cosmetic Sx & Beauty Mag WGS- "Tighten & Tone"  Exilis www.cosbeauty.com.au
Jan-13 Australian Cosmetic Sx & Beauty WGS- "Put the Freeze on Fat"  Nov-Jan 2013 issue
Jan-13 REAL SIMPLE Magazine Hottest Advancements in Cosmetic Medicine & Surgery  
Feb-13 MyFordAssociates.com WGS-"FDA Approves a New Gummy Bear Breast Implant"   (2-25-13)
Feb-13 PlastisSurgeryPractice Mag WGS-"The Body Cool Aid- Three Surprising Benefits of Putting Ice on Fat"" 
Feb-13 MommyMDguides.com MAS- Michelle Spring  (12-11-12)
Feb-13 HealthNewsDigest.com  MAS- Michelle Spring MP Joins Busted Foundation Board (3-16-13)
Mar-13 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS- "Marina Plastic Surgery Seeks Tummy Tucks Study Paerticipants"  (3-22-13)
Mar-13 PhysiciansMoneyDigest.com WGS-"An Artist Turned Plastic Surgeon" (3-27-13)
Mar-13 The Aesthetic Guide WGS & LAURA- Zeltiq (interviewed while at ASAPS ) "Coolsculpting Provides Reliable ROI & Results"
May-13 PatientsGuide.com WGS-Treating Cellulite with Cellulaze  (5-23-13)
May-13 everydayJoe.com WGS- Healthy Joe: "Never Let Them See You Sweat" (5-29-13)
Jun-13 LA TIMES WGS-Body Sculpting Techniques including Coolsculpting (6-25-13)
Jun-13 DermatologyTimes.com WGS-"Branding Tips for Building your Derm or Cosmetic Sx Practice"  (6-26-13)
Jul-13 ESPN The Magazine WGS- BBR + Athletes "You can Only Hope to Contain them…Athletes Biggest Opponets, their Own Breasts"( 7-16-13)
Jul-13 Aesthetic Surgery Journal WGS-“Broad Overview of a Clinical and Commercial Experience With CoolSculpting, (7-15-13)
Aug-13 LA TIMES MAS-"Will your health insurer pay for plastic surgery?"Breast Reduction  (8-2-13)
Aug-13 DermStore.com WGS- "What Derm’s Want you to know about Summer Breakouts"
Aug-13 MontersnAndCritics.com LAURA- "Coolsculpting Results, in the first person experience"  
Aug-13 LATIMES.com  WGS & Laura-  "With Cosmetic Txs, More Men Enlist in the Battle of the Bulges"  (8-16-13)
Aug-13 LA TIMES WGS- "No-cut Contouring"  (8-17-13)
Sep-13 PlasticSurgerySmartBrief.com MAS- "Young Women Undergoing Breast Reduction for Sports"
Sep-13 abc7news.com MAS- "Young Women Undergoing Breast Reduction for Sports"
Sep-13 WorldLifeStyle.com WGS- Options for Facial Exercising and Skin Tightening for face,neck,jawline  (9-24-13)
Nov-13 Playboy Magazine WGS- comments on Nipple Surgery   (interviewed 9-27-13)
Nov-13 New Beauty Magazine-Fall Issue WGS- "Get Rid of Cellulite for Good- 9 things You Need to Know"  (11-14-13)
Dec-13 PlasticSurgeryPractice.com  WGS Named "Best Marketing MOJO" by Denise Mann
Mar-14 HealthNewsDigest.com  MPS Offers Coolsculpting LIVE at Wedding Bridal Event   (3-4-14)
Mar-14 CarlaChloe.dk  Blog WGS-"Freeze The Fat Away"  (3-8-14)   Carlas Skonne Denmark Blog
Mar-14 HeraldOnline.com CS-"Fountain of Youth Bubbles over…Ongoing success of MPSA"    3-11-14
Mar-14 HealthNewsDigest.com  CS-"Fountain of Youth Bubbles over…Ongoing success of MPSA"    3-11-14
Mar-14 YahooFinance.com CS-"Fountain of Youth Bubbles over…Ongoing success of MPSA"    3-11-14
Mar-14 MercuryNews.com CS-"Fountain of Youth Bubbles over…Ongoing success of MPSA"    3-11-14
Mar-14 NewBeauty.com WGS-"Get Rid of Cellulite for Good; 9 things you need to know)  Cellulaze
Mar-14 MonstersandCritics.com/beauty WGS- blogger  "WGS in action- Merz Injectable" (3-31-14)  blogger event
Apr-14 EdenknowsImplants.com MAS- What is a Hematoma & How to correct After Surgery"
Apr-14 HealthNewsDigest.com  LHM- "Brazilian Butt Lifts More Popular Than Ever"  (4-2-14) 
Apr-14 HealthWiseDaily.com LHM- "Brazilian Butt Lifts More Popular Than Ever"  (4-2-14) 
Apr-14 Wn.com  World News LHM- "Brazilian Butt Lifts More Popular Than Ever"  (4-2-14) 
Apr-14 MonstersandCritics.com WGS- "The Finesse of Fillers, The Subtle Artof Starving Off Surgery"    (4-2-14)
Apr-14 MonstersandCritics.com WGS/RACH- First Person Experience with Coolsculpting  (1st tx 4-10-14)
Apr-14 NewBeauty.com WGS- "Get Rid of Cellulite: 9 things you need to know"  (4-10-14)
Apr-14 independent.ie WGS-Lose The Moobs- Male Breast Reduction on The Rise  (4-24-14)
May-14 RealSelf(Blog) WGS- "Top 10 Tips for Before & After"
May-14 globalnews.ca WGS-"Edmonton Laser Clinic Under Fire Again"  (5-1-14)
May-14 LAsThePlace.com WGS- "VENUS LEGACY: the latest skin Tightening…  (5-14-14)
May-14 livingbetterat50.com WGS-"Best Anti-Aging Skin Care & Procedures"  (07-19-14)
May-14 ThePlasticSurgeryChannel.com WGS-"Is Medical Tourism Worth The Risk"?  (5-14-14)
May-14 MonstersandCritics.com WGS-"Three Respected Doctors: 3 Smart approaches to Fat Loss"  (5-19-14)
Jun-14 AboutPlasticSurgery.com   WGS- "Do Breast Implants Interphere With Mammography?"  (6-2-14)
Jun-14 AboutPlasticSurgery.com   WGS- "5 Things You May Not Know About Breast Implant Recovery" (6-2-14)
Jun-14 ModernWeddingMom.com WGS- "Mothers of the Bride&Groom: Get Into Perfect Shape For The Wedding-Tips with Coolsculpting"(6-14-14)
Jul-14 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS-"Simultaneous Breast Augmentation and Mastopexy is Safe and Effective"  (7-22-14)
Aug-14 BeautyInTheBag.com WGS- "6 Ways To Overcome Hair Envy – Viviscal by WGS"
Oct-14 New Beauty Magazine-Fall Issue WGS- "The Fat Fighter That May Tighten Skin, Too!"  Pg 22 shadow box- mention king MPSA
Oct-14 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS-"Dr. Grant Stevens Featured Speaker in Rio de Janeiro at ISAPS 22nd Congress"   10-6-14
Oct-14 MARIE CLAIRE Magazine WGS- 
Oct-14 MomTrends.com RACH- Kate Bayless blogs about her own Coolsculpting  (10-20-14) "Coolsculpting Results are In!"
Oct-14 MonstersandCritics.com WGS -Marina Manland Opening  "Men Have a Place in an About Face"  10-31-14
Oct-14 TellemGrodyPR + AestheticEverythng PR WGS Accepts Humanitarian Award  "Just Like My Child"
Oct-14 theNCTimes.com  WGS- Surgery of the Butt
Nov-14 BlackTieMagazine.com WGS-"Stevens Honored with Just Like My Child Foundation’s Humanitarian Award"  (11-3-14)
Nov-14 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS-"Stevens Honored with Just Like My Child Foundation’s Humanitarian Award"  (11-3-14)
Nov-14 CBSNews.com WGS- Man:Land Takes Off  (11-6-14)
Nov-14 yahoo.com/parenting WGS-"The Allure of The Victoria Secret C-Section" (11-10-14)
Nov-14 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS-"ManLand Offers New Age Defying Experiences  (11-17-14)
Nov-14 DigitalJournal.com  WGS-"ManLand Offers New Age Defying Experiences  (11-18-14)
Nov-14 LA Business Journal WGS- ManLand Grand Opening -interview  11-24  (in print 12-8-14)
Nov-14 PSP Magazine WGS- Twofer Alert!  Making the case for skin tightening after cryoliposis
Dec-14 Men’s Health Magazine WGS- ManLand Grand Opening -interview  12-1
Dec-14 Associated Press WGS- Nipple Enhancement procedures
Dec-14 Dollar Shave Club WGS- The rise in make plastic surgery
Dec-14 Cosmetic Surgery Times WGS- MEN ONLT: Creatively Catering to the New Male Market in Cosmetic Surgery   (interview 12-6)
Dec-14 PR WEB WGS & MAS Aesthetic Everything Honors the 2014 Top Doctors
Dec-14 CosmeticTown.com WGS – "The Mommy Makeover "  (12-19-14)
Jan-15 FabulousForeverblog.com WGS- ManLand  opening – Neograft & Laser Hair Removal  (12-10-14)
Jan-15 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS- "10 Beautiful Things To Get Your Sexy on For Valentine’s Day"  (1-28-15)
Feb-15 MARIE CLAIRE Magazine WGS- Butt Augmentation   "Bottom’s Up"
Feb-15 ASAPS  WGS-Manland opening  (12-17-14)
Feb-15 Surgical Aesthetics Magazine WGS- Manland "Plastic Surgeon Launches Male-Centric Facility"  
Feb-15 Surgical Aesthetics Magazine WGS- HOW TO SAY ‘NO’ –  It’s never easy, but sometimes you have to refuse a prospective pts request  (1/5/15)
Mar-15 Riviera Magazine WGS- At Age etc  what to do
Apr-15 The Aesthetic Guide WGS- ManLand "Leaders of the Male Aesthetic Revolution Reveal Secrets to Their Success" (March/April 2015)
Apr-15 TribuneMedia.com WGS
Apr-15 Net – A – Porter Global Magazine WGS- Cellfina – Full Page SEPT ISSUE
Apr-15 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS – Marina Plastic Surgery Offers Breakthrough Cellulite Treatment Cellfina    (Apr 8, 2015)
Apr-15 bw.BusinessWeekly.com.tv WGS- Chinese publication "Non-invasive Body Contouring"
Apr-15 LASplash.com WGS-Mother’s Day Health & Beauty Gifts 2015 – "Freeze Your Fat Away" 
Apr-15 Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine WGS-  Nonsurgical body contouring -what works and what doesn’t (4-24-15)
May-14 TotalBeauty.com WGS- Cellfina
May-14 JessicaPaster.com WGS- Cellfina
May-15 LawrenSample.com  WGS- Cellfina
May-15 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS- "Dr. Grant Stevens to Speak at ASAPS Aesthetic Meeting 2015"
May-15 AskMen.com WGS- Plastic Surgery For Men- "More And More Men Are Getting Plastic Surgery These Days (5-27-15)
Jun-15 article.wn.com WGS-" Int’l Traveling Professor Dr. Grant Stevens to Speak at Stockholm Beauty Through Science Mtg (6/1/15)
Jun-15 article.wn.com WGS – "International Traveling Professor Dr. Grant Stevens is Featured Speaker at Vegas (6-8-15)
Jun-15 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS- "Dr. Grant Stevens is Featured Speaker at Vegas Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Dermatology 2015" (6-8-15)
Jun-15 Cosmetic Town Journal WGS- "The Laser Bra"  
Jun-15 LA TIMES WGS- Marina ManLand   (interview 4-13-15/ on line 6-14-15)
Jun-15 Time Magazine / LA Magazine WGS- "Nip, Tuck or ELSE"    ( interview 12-17-14)
Jun-15 Gizmodo.com WGS- "You Can Freeze Your Fat  and Poop It Out  (6-26-15)
Jul-15 LifeStyle Magazine + Plastic Sx Channel WGS  "Chill Out" 
Aug-15 The Plastic Surgery Channel WGS- Marina ManLand – Nip and Tick for Men
Aug-15 FashionTimes.com WGS & Waldin- Men’s Skincare Routine Tips, Grooming, Products & A Beauty Guide for Guys   (8-10-15)
Aug-15 Cosmetic Surgery Tiimes WGS- Cellfina 101: Everything You Need To Know   (8-11-15)
Aug-15 Zalea.com WGS- "Male Plastic Surgery continues to increase : 3 Reasons Why?"   (8-12-15)
Aug-15 MSN.com WGS – Cellfina  "The New Treatment Promising To Get Rid Of Cellulite, Fast"  (8-22-15)
Aug-15 HollywoodReporter.com WGS- Holloywood’s Top Doctors 2015  (8-27-15)
Sep-15 Monsters & Critics Carla/WGS – "Sleight of Hand" Face Not The Only Age Marker  (9-4-15)
Sep-15 ALLURE WGS- CS and other Fat Busters – Non surgical Body sculpting
Sep-15 SmartBeautyGuide.com WGS- "Liposonix vs Coolsculpting: What’s the difference anyway?"   (9-17-15)
Sep-15 ELLE Canada WGS- Kybella / MiraDry/ Halo
Sep-15 ThePlasticSurgeryChannel.com WGS- Conquering Cellulite (9-18-15)  article + video
Sep-15 CosBeauty.com.au WGS- "The Rise and Rise of Male Cosmetic Surgery"   (9-25-15)
Sep-15 CelluliteExercises.com WGS- "Cellfina Cellulite UK"  (9-29-15)
Sep-15 StartsAtSixty.com WGS- "Botox in your 60s-Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask"
Oct-15 KMBZ.com WGS- "New Treatment Claims to Reduce Cellulite and Smooth Skin"  CELLFINA  (10-5-15)
Oct-15 The Plastic Surgery Chanel WGS- "The Sweat Stops Here"
Oct-15 LASplash.com WGS "Health & Beauty Gifts"
Oct-15 MommyMakeoverBest.com WGS "MommyMakeover: Info Reviw Photos Q&As"- Getting Rid of Extra Skin on Stomach
Oct-15 Bloomberg.com WGS- "sientra-breast-implants-stuck-in-limbo-after-supplier-s-setbacks"
Oct-15 MakeLifeHealthy.com WGS- "Men’s Skin Care Routine Tips: Grooming Products & A Beauty Guide For Guys – Fashion Times"
Oct-15 GLAMOUR.com WGS– "Kybella vs. CoolMini: What to Know About the Newest Double-Chin Treatments"  (10-21-15)
Oct-15 The Plastic Suurgery Channel Talk WGS-  "Breast Reductions"
Oct-15 BeautyWireMagazine.com WGS-  "WGS was voted the #1 Top Aesthetic Doctor 2015 by Aesthetic Everything"
Oct-15 HeathNewsDigest.com WGS- "The Skinny on Body Contouring After Weight Loss (10-31-15)
Nov-15 The Argonaut WGS- "Named Top Aesthetic Doctor and voted Best Cosemtic Surgeon"  Milestone & Awards
Nov-15 BusinessWire.com WGS- "Dr. Grant Stevens Selected #1 Aesthetic Doctor by Aesthetic Everything"   (11-2-15)
Nov-15 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS-"Dr. Grant Stevens Selected #1 Aesthetic Doctor by Aesthetics Everything"    (11-2-15)
Nov-15 Men’s Journal WGS- "Coolsculpting"  (11-4-15 interview)
Nov-15 Examiner.com  WGS- "Dr. Grant Stevens Selected Number One Aesthetic Doctor by Aesthetic Everything"   (11-24-15)
Nov-15 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS-WGS- "Dr. Grant Stevens Selected Number One Aesthetic Doctor by Aesthetic Everything"   (11-30-15)
Dec-15  UK Aesthetic Medicine Magazine WGS- "What Treatments are Popular in LA?"    (12-3-16)   "LA STORY"  Jan 12, 2016
Dec-15 HealthNewsDigest.com  WGS- THERMI-VA For Vaginal Rejuvenation  (12-14-15)
Dec-15 AMB Magazine WGS- "Aesthetic Mag Selcts WGS as #1 Aesthetic MD"    (12-29-15)
Jan-16 THE Aesthetic Guide WGS- "Most Influential Plastic Surgeon" 
Jan-16 Cosmetic Town Journal WGS- "The Mommy Makeover"
Feb-16 Mom Blog Society WGS-   CoolSculpting – the New, Fast, Safe, Nonsurgical Way to Reduce Unwanted Fat    (2-2-16)
Feb-16 Living Magazine WGS- "Double Chins"
Feb-16 Radiant Life Magazine WGS- ThermiVa  + Logo Full ad (inside left)
Feb-16 Angelino Magazine WGS- Marina ManLand
Mar-16 TotalBeauty.com WGS- "I Got Needles in My Butt To Get Rid of Cellulite…" (3-2-16)
Mar-16 WeHeartThis.com WGS- "I Got Coolsculpting and Here’s What Happened" (3-8-16)  Stef gets CS with Rach
Mar-16 CybeleSays.com WGS/Carla- "Is MiraDry Your Answer To Perspiration?"  (3-14-16)
Apr-16 Prevention Magazine LHM- No Drain Tummy Tuck – 1st person
Apr-16 StyleCaster Blogger WGS- HALO Blogger; 1st person  Erika Stalder   (4-30-16)
Apr-16 CosmeticSurgeryTimes WGS- "High-tech nonsurgical solutions: What works? "  (4-8-16)
Apr-16 BeautyWireMagazine.com  WGS- "ASAPS VP WGS, Presents Hot Topics @ ASAPS LV  MTG"      (4-9-16)
May-16 US Weekly Magazine WGS- "Cellfina interview  (3-23-16)


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