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GUMMY BEARS FOR EVA'S BIG DAY Marina Plastic Surgery

What do you do when you’re planning the wedding of your dreams and you’ve found the perfect wedding dress, but you don’t quite fill it out? When your sisters and your mom tease you about how many socks you’ll need to stuff in your bra?

If you’re Eva, and you’re already a fan of the surgeons at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates and their plastic surgery skills, you decide to have breast enlargement in Los Angeles before your big day. You see, Eva had received a beautiful new nose just two years earlier from a Los Angeles plastic surgeon at Marina Plastic Surgery, and she trusted the practice with her looks. She felt she could turn to them for natural, subtle improvements to a body she already felt pretty good about.


Now, you might think that deciding to have breast enhancement as part of your Los Angeles wedding preparations is an unusual choice. But it’s time to think again. It’s actually not uncommon for women to decide to seek cosmetic surgery around the time of a major life change. Plastic surgeons have noticed this time and time again; one California plastic surgeon has even written a book about it.

Whether the trigger is a marriage, a divorce, a career change or even a natural disaster, when women decide to meet a new phase of their life head on, they often choose to update their looks or make a cosmetic improvement they had been thinking about for a long time. Eva’s decision to have breast augmentation before her wedding fits that scenario. She said she wanted to start married life being very happy with her shape, and that perfect wedding dress was the final push she needed to move forward with surgery. “I wanted to look great for my wedding,” she said.

Eva on Her Wedding Day

“Life’s too short to wish a part of you looked different.”

Eva on her wedding day
Los Angeles marina plastic surgery office staff
Los Angeles marina plastic surgery office staff


Most plastic surgeons would not consider Eva unusual in her motivations. In fact, many would consider her ideal in her attitude toward plastic surgery. She explained that unlike her mother and one of her sisters who were big breasted, Eva had been at best a small B. Nevertheless, she said her size didn’t bother her too much. Just like when she decided to have rhinoplasty, she viewed breast enhancement as the chance to be even happier with her looks.

She already had a positive self image, and she made her decision without a lot of anxiety. “If you can afford it, and you want to look your best, why not?” Eva said. She works out and takes good care of herself, and she explained, “Life’s too short to wish a part of you looked different. My sisters sometimes make fun of me, but they’re in favor of plastic surgery too,” Eva laughed. She said she figures eventually her whole family will get to know Marina Plastic Surgery Associates.


After having a good first experience at Marina Plastic Surgery, Eva didn’t hesitate to return for her Los Angeles breast enhancement. She took her fiancé with her to the consultation, since he had reservations about the procedure. “He thought everyone would pay too much attention to me.” Again Eva put her trust in her surgeon.

“I had been thinking about saline implants, then my surgeon showed us gummy bear implants. He said they would look and feel better because they were semi-solid.” Eva and her fiancé were convinced they would look more natural, and they were impressed that the surgeon was among just a few plastic surgeons who is approved to use the latest implants. Eva also remembered she told her surgeon she wanted to be a medium C. “He said that size might look silly with my small body.” When she went in to surgery, Eva said she let the surgeon make the final decision. “I knew he would do the right thing for me,” she said. He chose gummy bear breast implants that would make Eva a small C, just as he had recommended. “When I first saw my new breasts, I was really happy,” she recalled. And her husband was pleased that her figure, while even more attractive, still looked very normal.


Always up front about her experiences, Eva said that recovering from Los Angeles breast augmentation took longer than recovering from nose surgery. “You feel like you have a weight on your chest for a few days,” she described, “and it can be hard to get up by yourself at first.” Eva said she took pain medication for about a week to help with her discomfort. She also said initial recovery seemed to last about two weeks because she couldn’t really lift anything. She resumed work after about two weeks and started gradually adding back her normal activities around that time too. She said she felt great after about a month, and her new shape was settled in and complete in about three months.


After two plastic surgery experiences with Marina Plastic Surgery Associates, Eva says she would recommend them to anyone, “Because their surgeons have the experience.

They will know what your needs are and will make it happen.” Eva also remarked on her surgeon’s honesty. “If you want to do something crazy, he’ll leave the decision to you but he’ll tell you exactly what he thinks.” When her wedding day arrived a few months after surgery, Eva filled out that perfect dress and felt wonderful. And believe it or not, she said that to this day no one knows she had surgery. Not even her mom and sisters. “I look so natural, they thought I was just wearing a special bra,” Eva said.

Eva is ready for the next phase of her life as she and her new husband look forward to starting a family. Will new life changes have her thinking about plastic surgery with Marina Plastic Surgery Associates again? Time will tell, but Eva had this final thought, “If I need a tummy tuck after pregnancy, I’m going to have one. I’ve already told my husband.” If you live near Los Angeles or Beverly Hills and breast augmentation with gummy bear implants is of interest to you, request a consultation. One of our surgeons will be glad to meet you and help you make the decisions that are right for you.


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4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

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150 East Colorado Blvd Suite 102, Pasadena, CA 91105

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