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Areola Reduction IN LOS ANGELES, CA

From Self-conscious to Confidently Sexy

Your nipples and areolas are essential to the aesthetics and symmetry of your breasts. Naturally, the unique size and shape of your nipples differ from that of other women and men. Many patients are self-conscious about the appearance of their nipples and areolas in and out of clothing. The breast reconstruction experience of the board-certified plastic surgeons at Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles offers solutions and results for your nipple reduction concerns. Make an appointment for a Los Angeles areola reduction consultation to explore how we can alter the appearance and perception of your breasts.

Los Angeles areola reduction surgery model with brown hair
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What is an Areola Reduction?

The purpose of nipple reduction surgery is to make the size of one or both nipples proportional if there is an aesthetic issue, such as asymmetry. Nipple reductions are typically performed alongside a breast augmentation or breast lift. However, they can also be performed as outpatient operations.

What are the benefits of Nipple Reduction?

Nipple reduction surgery can improve the appearance of long, drooping nipples, correct the size and form of nipples that have been altered by breastfeeding, and offer you a more appealing set of nipples and areola, in addition to eliminating puffiness and asymmetry. All of which may result in elevated self-worth and self-assurance.

Am I a good candidate for Nipple Reduction?

Simply treating the nipple/areola can result in a more visually pleasing breast, however, this is sometimes ignored because breast-enhancing treatments like breast augmentation or breast lift receive so much more attention. For those who have dropped a lot of weight and feel self-conscious about the way, their nipples are now projecting out, nipple reduction surgery may be a good alternative.

It's still possible for breastfeeding women to reduce their nipple size if they notice that it has increased significantly since becoming pregnant. Some people's nipples may be excessively large or even projected in size at birth; if this describes you and you are otherwise healthy, nipple reduction surgery may be a great option for you. Large nipples may also be smaller after this treatment, making them more equivalent to the other little ones on each breast.

Your Nipple Reduction Procedure

When not combined with ancillary operations, at Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles areola reduction surgery normally lasts an hour. To assure your complete comfort throughout your nipple reduction operation, a local anesthetic will be administered.

Your surgeon will make small incisions in the areola's center to reconstruct it. Your nipples' size and shape will consequently be more uniformly distributed, giving them a more attractive appearance. For nipple and/or areola reductions, your surgeon will use conventional approaches, but because every patient is unique and has different needs, each patient receives a highly tailored technique based on these basic methods. The nipple stays connected to your body throughout your nipple reduction surgery.

Additional Reading

Therefore, the natural blood supply is not cut off. Your doctor can keep your milk ducts intact and keep you able to breastfeed based on your anatomy and the desired change(s) that are made. Please be aware that not all women, regardless of whether surgery, are able to breastfeed because there is also a hereditary component to this capacity.

In order to achieve the appropriate size, this method makes two circular and concentric incisions around the areola. The nipple is left unaffected while the "extra" areola skin is excised. The incision is then "purse-stringed" closed with a permanent suture to produce a long-lasting to a permanent reduction in size. This method may also result in a small breast lift as an extra bonus.

Los Angeles areola reduction surgery model with blonde hair
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Nipple Reduction Recovery

After a nipple reduction Los Angeles patietns may feel some bruising, swelling, and soreness after nipple reduction surgery. You will be given painkillers to reduce discomfort, but over-the-counter drugs also work. One common technique is to use dissolvable stitches. You should anticipate taking it easy after your nipple reduction surgery for a few days before getting back to your regular schedule, which shouldn't take more than a week. For the first few days following surgery, you should refrain from strenuous exercise.

Nipple Reduction Results

The length of the recovery period varies from patient to patient based on how your body responds to surgery. You can leave the hospital immediately after surgery, and most of our patients are able to resume their normal daily activities the next day. A small piece of fresh gauze is placed over the wounds after applying a thin layer of antibiotic ointment. The incisions should be kept clean by changing the gauze at least once per day.

Additional Reading

It's crucial to walk frequently if you want to avoid blood clots. During the first week of recovery, some soreness and bruising are common but easily manageable with painkillers. Any ensuing scars will normally disappear over time and blend in with the natural areola border. It is advised that you take it easy for a few weeks and unless otherwise instructed, refrain from lifting anything greater than 15 to 20 pounds for the first 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. For a few weeks, you should also abstain from sexual activity and strenuous exercise to enable your body to heal and provide you optimal results.

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Schedule your Los Angeles Areola Reduction consultation at Marina Plastic Surgery today

Even while we all struggle with some form of body insecurity, that does not mean you are bound to live with yours. Nipple reduction is one of the procedures offered at Marina Cosmetic Surgery, which is performed by our board-certified plastic surgeons. Contacting Marina Plastic Surgery for your consultation is the best way to determine if you are a good candidate for a nipple reduction in the Los Angeles area.

Areola ReductionFrequently Asked Questions

You will be numb during the process. You may suffer slight pain and swelling for seven to 10 days following your procedure.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. With adequate aftercare, we mitigate the most common problems, infections, and rupture of suture lines. At Marina Plastic Surgery, you're in excellent hands.

Every procedure is personalized to the patient’s specific needs. After your consultation, our patient coordinator will go over the cost associated with your treatment plan.

Cosmetic, elective areola reduction surgery is not covered by health insurance. However, checking your coverage options with your insurance provider is always advised.


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Discover why people from all 50 states and 63 countries around the world have made the journey to become our Patients for Life®. Schedule your consultation today to experience the industry-defining innovation and dedicated attention to detail of Marina Plastic Surgery in los angeles.

Marina Del Rey location

4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Pasadena location

150 East Colorado Blvd Suite 102, Pasadena, CA 91105

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