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Inverted Nipple Surgery IN LOS ANGELES, CA

No Need to be Shy—Marina Plastic Surgery offers Inverted Nipple Surgical Solutions

Inverted nipples are a common cosmetic concern among women whose nipples are either flat on the surrounding tissue or have been retracted into the areola. While cosmetic preferences are a personal choice, inverted nipples might prohibit women from breastfeeding correctly due to their impractical structure and form. At Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles inverted nipple surgery is offered to achieve a naturally outward nipple shape and profile via a minimally invasive and safe treatment. Our licensed, state-of-the-art facilities are home to world-class providers whose talents and experience make us a preferred option for cosmetic breast treatment throughout Los Angeles and around the globe.

Los Angeles inverted nipple surgery model with black hair
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What is Inverted Nipple Surgery?

A nipple whose structure is flat or inward, as opposed to protruding from the surface, is said to be inverted. Short lactiferous ducts (milk ducts) are the source of inverted nipples, which result in the nipple tightening inward, producing a flat look, or being completely inverted. The end result is a flat or "shy" nipple that neither protrudes outward nor forms a depression in the areola. Some inverted nipples might protrude in response to stimulation or pulling, but others remain permanently inverted in the breast mound.

Inverted nipples are a benign trait that can be present at birth or emerge from trauma, infection, scarring, or pregnancy. While inverted nipples are not harmful to the body, their shape may inhibit correct latching, preventing breastfeeding. In rare instances, a condition known as gynecomastia (the enlargement of male breast tissue) can induce inverted nipples in men. Correction of inverted nipples at Marina Plastic Surgery is intended to provide both men and women with natural-looking, outward-facing nipples.

What are the benefits of Inverted Nipple Surgery?

The option to fix flat or inverted nipples that have existed since birth or as a result of trauma, infection, pregnancy, or other situations is provided through inverted nipple surgery. The following advantages of inverted nipple correction include:

  • Correcting flat nipples
  • Repairing inverted nipples
  • Provide nipple projection and shape that is more realistic and sculpted.
  • increase satisfaction with how your nipples look
  • Treatment for gynecomastia-related inverted nipples

For a comprehensive approach to the cosmetic objectives of our patients in Los Angeles inverted nipple surgery can also be done alongside other breast enhancement treatments, including breast implants, a breast lift, and breast reduction.

Am I a good candidate for Inverted Nipple Surgery?

There are three levels of nipple inversion, which will identify the most appropriate way for you. Nipples of grades 1 and 2 are not permanently inverted and will protrude in response to stimulation. No matter the technique, Grade 3 inversions will not protrude. There are non-surgical options for less severe cases, but their efficacy is limited. Patients with any type of nipple inversion can anticipate excellent outcomes from the corrective treatment. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss the optimal treatment method for your unique circumstances.

Inverted Nipple Surgery Preparation

As a minimally invasive procedure, inverted nipple surgery requires little to no preparation. To maintain good circulation and optimum recovery, you will be instructed to abstain from smoking for a few weeks prior to surgery. To reduce the risk of complications, patients choosing general anesthesia may be requested to complete a medical evaluation check.

Your Inverted Nipple Surgery Procedure

Depending on the severity of your nipple inversion, the surgical treatments used to correct it will vary, with severe cases often necessitating the removal of the milk ducts and, subsequently, the inability to breastfeed.

Additionally, the ability to breastfeed after treatment varies from patient to patient; therefore, it is essential to discuss any pregnancy or nursing plans with your surgeon before proceeding. Following inverted nipple surgery Los Angeles patients may be able to breastfeed, but some patients may no longer be able to do so. Because of this, your doctor will not propose corrective treatment prior to pregnancy or breastfeeding, except in situations of significantly inverted nipples, which may impede breastfeeding anyway. Please contact us if you have any questions about breastfeeding and inverted nipple surgery and if you would want to find out if this treatment is good for you.

Los Angeles inverted nipple surgery model wearing bikini
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Inverted Nipple Surgery Recovery

Inverted nipple correction surgery is a minimally invasive technique with minimum downtime and recovery. Those who undergo surgery under local anesthetic will be able to drive themselves home immediately after their procedure. Patients who prefer general anesthesia will need to make their own transportation arrangements from our facility.

After treatment, it is common for the area surrounding the nipples to feel slightly painful, swollen, or uncomfortable for one to two days. During the brief recuperation period, pain medication prescribed by your doctor will be made accessible to ensure your level of comfort.

The next day, you can bathe gently and return to work and regular activities. To prevent infection at the incision sites, an antibiotic ointment will be provided, which should be applied routinely after bathing with soap and water or as directed. Following surgery, you will be advised to refrain from intense exercise and physical activity for up to two weeks.

Inverted Nipple Surgery Results

Patients can anticipate seeing more outward, shaped, and natural-looking nipples right away after treatment. After treatment, any obvious swelling or bruising should start to go down in the following days and completely disappear within a week, and present projecting and shapely nipples that meet your aesthetic objectives.

Because the incisions are so small, any scarring will be barely noticeable and is anticipated to vanish completely over time. The inverted nipple repair is intended to offer lasting effects that could very well last a lifetime. This, however, does not take into account elements that may influence the form and look of the breast skin and tissue over time, such as weight gain, pregnancy, illness, or specific disorders affecting breast tissue.

Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Grant Stevens
Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Perez

Schedule your Los Angeles Inverted Nipple Surgery consultation at Marina Plastic Surgery today

Inverted nipple surgery, or inverted nipple correction, is safe and successful for treating the physical and aesthetic issues that come with inverted nipples. Even though they are relatively common, inverted nipples can make some men and women feel self-conscious about their looks and lower their confidence, especially when they are in an intimate situation. Call our Marina Plastic Surgery center in Marina Del Rey now to schedule a consultation if you live in or around Los Angeles and have inquiries about correcting an inverted nipple.

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Inverted Nipple SurgeryFrequently Asked Questions

Because the majority of people do not experience any discomfort during the recovery process, it is highly unlikely that you will require anything more than a simple pain reliever like Tylenol.

While there is some risk involved with every surgery, inverted nipple correction surgery is seen to be highly safe, and any complications are extremely uncommon. These risks include the inability to breastfeed, infection, temporary or permanent loss of nipple sensitivity, hemorrhage, general anesthetic complications, and general anesthesia issues.

The inverted nipple correction treatment, as its name suggests, is intended to fix flat or inverted nipples and cause the current nipples to project outward for both cosmetic and functional reasons. Nipple reconstruction, a completely distinct operation frequently done in conjunction with breast reconstruction, entails the recreation of nipple tissue using skin from other sites.

Medical insurance does not pay for inverted nipple correction since it is not regarded as medically required. However, for your convenience, Marina Plastic Surgery does provide payment and financing options.

Your nipple inversion will be evaluated by your surgeon at your consultation, at which point he will formulate a treatment plan and go through the costs associated with the procedure. As a result the price may vary depending on the patient and depends if other surgical procedures, such as breast augmentation or a breast lift, are added to your treatment plan

The milk ducts and the surrounding fibers that are holding the nipple in place and dragging it inward are altered during inverted nipple correction surgery. The nipples would be released by entirely severing the milk ducts, but doing so would also make it impossible for women to breastfeed. The surrounding fibrous bands can now be altered thanks to recent developments in breast surgery methods, which help maintain milk duct functionality while attaining forward nipple projection.


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Discover why people from all 50 states and 63 countries around the world have made the journey to become our Patients for Life®. Schedule your consultation today to experience the industry-defining innovation and dedicated attention to detail of Marina Plastic Surgery in los angeles.

Marina Del Rey location

4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Pasadena location

150 East Colorado Blvd Suite 102, Pasadena, CA 91105

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