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Ripped Abs That Rock

You’ve worked hard to lose weight and to improve your muscle tone through diet and exercise programs. But when you have reached your desired weight but not your desired shape, it may be time to consider a tummy tuck. Our Los Angeles patients choose this procedure when they are having trouble achieving a flat and toned tummy appearance. Discover how a tummy tuck can transform your life by scheduling your one-on-one consultation at Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles, CA. We strive to deliver the best tummy tuck Los Angeles has to offer.

Los Angeles tummy tuck model with blonde hair
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What is Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries for women and is becoming increasingly popular for men as well. If you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck, additional combination surgeries such as liposuction also may be appropriate. Many Los Angeles women have abdominoplasty as part of their Mommy Makeover, which can combine procedures such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, facial sculpting and more.

In our photo gallery you can see real results from actual patients of the practice. This is truly a transformative procedure, and many of our Los Angeles tummy tuck patients tell us that they wish they scheduled surgery sooner. Picture yourself standing in front of a mirror in just your underwear, seeing a svelte stomach that lies flat between your hips with no rolls or bulges over the elastic waistband of your underpants. You’ve done the workouts, you’ve lost the weight, and you owe it to yourself to pursue your desired figure.

What are the benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

Now that you’ve dropped the pounds, you’ve also dropped the skin – it probably hangs on your belly and creates an unflattering look. And no matter how many crunches you do, you just can’t seem to get those abdominal muscles anywhere near a six-pack.

Without the help of plastic surgery, you might be stuck. No creams will lift lax tummy skin, no amount of crunches will tighten loose stomach muscles, and oftentimes even the healthiest diet will not be able to reduce certain fat deposits along the abdominal wall. Only abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) in Los Angeles from Marina Plastic Surgery can help you address these problem areas sufficiently.

Am I a good candidate for Tummy Tuck?

Healthy men and women who seek a flatter, tighter, and better abdomen are ideal candidates for a tummy tuck. Moms who have loose or stretched skin from previous experience and patients who have lost substantial weight are the most frequent patients we see for tummy tucks. Most mothers want to get back to their pre-baby shapes.

Men also make excellent candidates for this procedure as well. We have a remedy for you if you are a healthy weight but are annoyed by abdominal skin that protrudes. Diet and exercise will not be able to produce the amazing effects of an abdominoplasty. To achieve your greatest results, you should continue to engage in healthy behaviors like regular exercise and a balanced diet and schedule your consultation at Marina to obtain a flat, toned abdomen once more!

Tummy Tuck Preparation

You can take a few actions to better ready yourself for your stomach tuck and guarantee a successful procedure. Reading through your pre-operative instructions is the first of these tasks. Your best result will come from following these directions.

You must give up smoking and refrain from taking specific drugs for a few weeks prior to and following the procedure. Pick up any required medication and make plans to ride with others during this time. For the first twenty-four hours after your recovery, you will need a friend or family member to be with you because you will find it difficult to move around. Before your procedure, you must fast for at least eight hours. Get a good night's sleep and arrive early for your appointment.

Your Tummy Tuck Procedure

You will be greeted by the surgical team before receiving an intravenous general anesthetic. Your surgeon will make the predetermined number of incisions around your belly. Then, your abdominal muscles will be strengthened as the extra tissue and skin are removed. Sutures will be used to close the incisions once the desired effect has been achieved. You can expect to have drainage tubes inserted into your abdomen to help remove excess blood and fluids. Your incisions will be covered with bandages, and you'll be transferred to a recovery area, where you'll be watched until you wake up.

Los Angeles tummy tuck model with blonde hair
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Tummy Tuck Recovery

Following surgery, your recovery process begins right away, and your surgeon will provide you with thorough post-operative care instructions. Compression clothing or an abdominal binder can support your muscles, minimize swelling, and help your body conform to its new shape. Following surgery, these garments are typically worn for eight weeks. You are urged to walk frequently after the surgery because there is no need for you to stay in bed.

Tummy Tuck Results

Your surgeon will examine your incisions and inquire about your healing at these checkups. These consultations are an essential component of your recovery. Two months after the treatment, the majority of patients will be fully recovered.

The majority of patients will find it more comfortable to walk or sleep with their backs slightly bent forward. Follow your surgeon's instructions and show up at your follow-up appointments for the best recovery from your tummy tuck. After surgery, your abdomen will start to feel better right away. As long as they do not gain a significant amount of weight back, most people can benefit from the procedure's outcomes for the rest of their lives. You should keep working out to strengthen your abdominal muscles for the best outcomes from your tummy tuck.

Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Grant Stevens
Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Justin Perez

Schedule your Los Angeles Tummy Tuck consultation at Marina Plastic Surgery today

To receive a private consultation, request your appointment online and schedule your visit during one of the select times our surgeons have set aside exclusively for Web visitors.

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“I’m just your basic Midwestern housewife… Well, maybe not so basic anymore.”

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“I can’t tell you how beautiful my results are. I told Dr. Stevens, ‘You’re a miracle maker!”

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“I couldn't be happier, and I attract happy people to me”

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“Life's too short to wish a part of you looked different”

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“Now I can finally wear dresses without a bra, and I’m proud of how I look in a bikini.”

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“People say my new nose looks more natural on me than the nose I had before.”

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Tummy Tuck FAQs

Like any surgery, there are concerns. Even while issues are rare, they could arise and may include blood clots, infection, or bleeding behind the skin flap. If you have diabetes, poor circulation, a heart, lung, or liver condition, complications are more likely to occur.

Procedures like tummy tucks and liposuction both eliminate extra fat. However, an abdominoplasty also eliminates extra skin in addition to the fat deposits, whereas liposuction simply removes the fat deposits. A tummy tuck also reshapes the physique, tones the abs, and produces a smooth, taut appearance. Liposuction, on the other hand, does not harm the skin or muscles while removing stubborn fat deposits.

At Marina Plastic Surgery, we are aware that each person has a distinct physical makeup and a certain aesthetic objective. You will just have one abdominal expense. If you're interested in learning more about the expenses associated with this operation, call us to get a quote. We see patients in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and nearby communities. Arrange your consultation to find out the methods that would be utilized for you and the breakdown of your costs.


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Discover why people from all 50 states and 63 countries around the world have made the journey to become our Patients for Life®. Schedule your consultation today to experience the industry-defining innovation and dedicated attention to detail of Marina Plastic Surgery in los angeles.

Marina Del Rey location

4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Pasadena location

150 East Colorado Blvd Suite 102, Pasadena, CA 91105

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