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Your Breasts. Your Choice.

There are many reasons you may want to change the size, shape, or “feel” of your breasts. And all of those reasons are yours, and yours alone. Our job is to help you. And we’re ready. For many women, breast size is an important part of feeling healthy, attractive, and confident. You can work hard to get fit and slim down, but if you aren’t born with the breasts you love, surgery may be your best option. Breast augmentation in Los Angeles is the choice of many women who want to be their most confident and lead their best life.

Los Angeles gummy breast augmentation model with blonde hair
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Breast augmentation is an elective breast surgery procedure that enlarges or changes the shape, volume, and size of your breasts. Medically known as mammoplasty, breast augmentation surgery involves placing implants behind your breast tissue or under your chest muscles. The implants are filled either with a saline solution or an inorganic, synthetic material called silicone. In some cases, a patient’s own fat from other body areas is used to augment breast size and shape in a procedure known as fat transfer breast augmentation. Most of the time, the choice of implant type and size is selected by the patient with advice and guidance from an aesthetic surgeon. The same is true with choosing locations of surgical incisions and the decision of whether to place implants under or above your chest muscles.


When considering to undergo a Breast augmentation Los Angeles patients can expect the benefits to include:

  • Enhanced self-image
  • Increased breast projection
  • Customized implant shapes and sizes
  • Restoration of breast “perkiness” after pregnancy
  • Can be combined with other procedures such as breast lift
  • A better-fitting wardrobe
  • Correction of breast asymmetry
  • Improved body symmetry and proportionality
  • Implants can later be removed or replaced as desired
  • Increased breast volume, including restoration of post-pregnancy breast volume loss


A person must have fully developed breasts before augmentation can be considered. The FDA requires that women be at least 22 years old to get silicone implants and at least 18 to receive saline implants. Before opting for breast augmentation Los Angeles patients should please consider the following:

Women who have silicone gel implants will need to get an MRI examination three years after their surgery and about every two years after that. This is required to screen for implants leaks or ruptures. Breast augmentation can sometimes make it more difficult to get a mammogram, and in some cases, interfere with breastfeeding.


Implants differ in shape, profile, and size. Saline and silicone gel implants are typically round, while highly cohesive “gummy bear” implants come in shaped and round options. As for profile, your cosmetic surgeon will help you choose based on your goals and existing body proportions. Breast implant sizes range from about 150cc to 800cc or slightly larger. The implant size you choose for your breast augmentation procedure depends on your existing breast size, your aesthetic goals, and your surgeon’s advice and recommendations.

Financing Your Breast Augmentation

This offer is subject to change.


While all breast implants have a shell made out of silicone, saline implants are then filled to their desired volume with a fluid that has the consistency of water. Silicone implants are more viscous than saline.

As a result, silicone flows differently within its shell than saline and can often create a more natural look and feel to the breasts. Saline implants require smaller incisions since they are inflated after the outer shells have been placed in your chest. While implant ruptures are not common, silicone implant ruptures can cause complications. But if a saline implant ruptures, the fluid is simply safely absorbed by your body.

Los Angeles breast augmentation model smiling
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Los Angeles breast augmentation expert Dr. Stevens
Los Angeles marina plastic surgery office staff



The success and safety of your breast augmentation will depend on your surgeon's training, skill, and experience. Marina founder Dr. Grant Stevens is widely recognized as one of the top plastic surgeons in America. He is a certified diplomate of The American Board of Plastic Surgery and a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the International College of Surgeons. Breast augmentation is a delicate and private procedure. Make sure you are confident in and comfortable with your surgeon.


Tell your doctor what your goals and expectations are, and be as specific as you can. But be realistic about those goals. Seek improvement, not perfection. Your doctor will carefully review your medical history and may order a mammogram before your surgery to serve as a "baseline" going forward. For a period before and after your procedure, you will need to suspend the use of any supplements or drugs - such as aspirin - that might promote bleeding. If you smoke, stop. Smoking can interfere with surgical healing. Following a Breast Augmentation Los Angeles patients should make sure to have arranged for someone to drive them home and get some help around the house for a couple of days.

Los Angeles gummy breast augmentation model with brown hair
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Breast augmentation is regarded as a safe procedure when performed by a qualified and board-certified plastic surgeon. It’s only natural to have concerns about breast implant safety, and our surgeons are devoted to helping you understand the risks and make informed decisions about your procedure. Numerous studies over the past decade have supported the safety of breast implants – both saline and silicone gel.


Depending on your anatomy and your surgical goals, your surgeon will choose one of the following incision locations and Breast Augmentation techniques:

  • Inframammary: This involves a short incision made in the crease underneath your breast. This leaves a thin scar, less than two inches long, that is easily concealed within the crease.
  • Periareolar: In which the incision is made on the outer edge of the areola, within the natural border of pigmentation.
  • Trans-axillary: This approach goes through the armpit and leaves no scar on the breast itself.
  • Transumbilical: An innovative technique that involves an incision made just above your navel. Each implant is inserted through this incision and then moved up to the breast.

Breast augmentation scars, while permanent, are hidden discretely and tend to fade after one year.


Breast augmentation surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, ensuring you will feel no pain. The procedure generally takes between one and two hours. After your implants have been properly placed and aligned, your surgeon will close your incisions using sutures or surgical tape, apply gauze dressings to your breasts and insert post-surgical draining tubes. Breast augmentation is generally performed as an outpatient procedure, but in some cases, your doctor may recommend you spend a night in the hospital.


Implants may be placed either over or under your chest muscles. If placed underneath, your breasts may seem to rest high on your chest at first, but they will then settle into their optimal position over a period of several weeks.


At our practice in Los Angeles breast augmentation patients are recommended to take it very easy for a few days. Your doctor will schedule an appointment to remove your sutures and drainage tubes. You will probably need to wear a surgical bra for a few weeks.

Los Angeles gummy breast augmentation model with brown hair
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You will immediately notice changes in the size and shape of your breasts. Recovery is different for everyone. In general, most women are up and around the day after surgery but will need to avoid most of their usual activities for 5 to 7 days. You will probably be advised to wait several weeks before resuming strenuous exercise. It may be weeks or months before you realize the full benefits of your breast augmentation. So get ready to smile, and maybe get ready to buy some new clothes!


Under the direction of founder Dr. Grant Stevens, Marina Plastic Surgery has become the premier medical practice for aesthetic care in Greater Los Angeles. We take a sensitive and meticulous approach to breast augmentation surgery. You are warmly invited to schedule a consultation by calling 877-298-9915.


When considering fat grafting as an option for breast augmentation, it’s vital to understand the basics of the procedure, as well as both the benefits and risks involved. When executed properly by a skilled and experienced surgeon such as Dr. Grant Stevens, fat grafting provides more natural results for both aesthetic and reconstructive patients. This procedure is ideal for either enlargements of a single cup size or contour reshaping. The extent of enlargement generally depends on the amount of spare fat available to harvest from the patient’s donor sites. Once in place, the fat cells should live their normal life cycle, just as natural fat in the breast would. Breast augmentation using fat transfer employs fat suctioned from unwanted areas the body. This type of procedure can be used to increase the size of the breast or to fill in defects or abnormalities in existing breasts, including enhancing the appearance after breast reconstruction and softening the look of existing implants.

The placement of the fat grafts allow for dramatic or subtle shaping of the breast in a manner previously not attainable. It also provides a natural alternative to saline or silicone implants, ultimately avoiding the signature look that tends to come with those common options. Fat transfer to the breast should result in a beautiful, long-lasting effect. However, it is crucial to warn potential patients that the procedure is highly technique dependent. To avoid complications or unwanted results, fat grafting has to be done by a properly trained plastic surgeon. Because of the high learning curve, it takes at least a few years to become truly proficient. Though the procedure can be learned in a day, it’s perfected over the years as physicians move from theoretical knowledge to realized application.


At our practice in Marina Del Rey Breast augmentation can dramatically improve the appearance of a woman’s breasts. During your breast augmentation consultation, you’ll learn more about your options for creating your ideal breast appearance, including:

  • Implant size
  • Implant material (silicone gel or saline)
  • Implant position (above or below the pectoralis muscle)
  • Implant incision method

Once you’ve decided to pursue breast augmentation in Los Angeles, you want to make sure to find the right surgeon, the right implant, and the right technique to meet your expectations. Los Angeles plastic surgeons at our practice have over 30 years of combined surgical experience, and are nationally and internationally recognized for their pioneering contributions in the field of plastic surgery. At Marina Plastic Surgery, most breast augmentation surgeries leave the breasts looking so natural that no one would ever suspect you’ve had augmentation, even when larger implants are used.

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“I can’t tell you how beautiful my results are. I told Dr. Stevens, ‘You’re a miracle maker!”

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“Life's too short to wish a part of you looked different”

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“People say my new nose looks more natural on me than the nose I had before.”

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Marina Plastic Surgery's Breast Augmentation Videos

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Dr. Stevens Addresses Defective PIP Implants

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Erica's Augmentation

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Mommy Makeover

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Breast Augmentation/Lift

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Melanie's Augmentation

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Ana's Aloha Body

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Allison's Augmentation

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Breast Augmentation Video

BREAST AUGMENTATION Frequently Asked Questions

Most breast implant surgeries are completed in 1 hour and women are able to return to their normal activities (with certain restrictions) after a few days. Our breast augmentation procedures are performed on an outpatient basis using general or local anesthesia.

The best way to select the breast implants that will be used during your breast augmentation procedure is to have a thorough discussion with your surgeon. You’ll need to consider your body type, goals, and concerns to determine which implant size, fill (saline or silicone), shell (smooth or textured), and shape (round or anatomical) will be best for you. We’ve also provided a few helpful facts about breast implant options.

While that will vary from patient to patient, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports the average cost of breast augmentation is $3,790. Have a thorough and frank conversation with your surgeon before your procedure.

There is the potential for the reduction of nipple sensation. If this occurs, however, it is usually restored over time. Most of our patients don’t lose nipple sensation. Also, by choosing a qualified surgeon, you should be able to breastfeed after breast augmentation.

Most breast augmentation patients report that the procedure was much less painful or uncomfortable than anticipated. Post-operative over-the-counter drugs usually suffice, but your doctor can prescribe stronger pain medication as needed and appropriate.

Yes. Like all surgeries, breast augmentation comes with risks such as infection, excessive bleeding, poor wound healing, excessive scarring, adverse reaction to anesthesia and allergic reactions to medications and materials used in surgery. Additional risks specific to breast augmentation include:

  • Changes in nipple and breast sensation
  • Changes in implant positions
  • Implant leakage or rupture
  • Uneven positioning of nipples

Extremely rarely, long-term presence of breast implants has been associated with a rare form of blood cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). A common side effect of breast augmentation is bruising that resolves over a period of weeks.

While most women are able to successfully breastfeed following breast augmentation, others have found it challenging. Discuss this thoroughly with your doctor prior to your surgery.

Breast augmentation refers to all procedures that enlarge your breasts, while implants are the devices used to achieve the augmentation process.

Remember that breast implants generally need to be replaced every ten years anyway. But, yes, you can get new and different implants or have them removed altogether if you so choose.

Since breast augmentation is considered cosmetic surgery, your insurance will not cover costs.


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Discover why people from all 50 states and 63 countries around the world have made the journey to become our Patients for Life®. Schedule your consultation today to experience the industry-defining innovation and dedicated attention to detail of Marina Plastic Surgery in los angeles.

Marina Del Rey location

4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Pasadena location

150 East Colorado Blvd Suite 102, Pasadena, CA 91105