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Choose From
Breast Implant Styles

The good news if you’re looking into breast augmentation in Los Angeles: Breast implant manufacturers offer hundreds of saline and silicone breast implant styles to choose from. The bad news: You have to narrow it down to one. Don’t worry, our doctors are here to help.

Los Angeles gummy breast implant options patient model with brown hair
marble accent


Saline-filled implants are the only commercially available option for cosmetic breast augmentation for women younger than 22 years old in the U.S. In addition, some women choose saline because they’re comfortable with the harmless saltwater solution. And since saline implants are filled after insertion, incisions can be slightly smaller than those for silicone implants. However, at Marina Plastic Surgery and worldwide, silicone breast implants are preferred for the more natural look and feel they produce.

Additional Reading

Saline-filled implants are more often associated with rippling, “sloshing” and a higher degree of visibility. They also can deflate, which creates the need for an additional operation to replace them. Silicone breast implants are preferred worldwide by patients and surgeons alike. Silicone implants produce a look and feel that more closely resembles natural breast tissue. Today’s silicone gel (fourth generation) is semi-firm to the touch, yet it also gives and feels pliant. In addition to currently approved fourth generation silicone gel breast implants, our doctors offer FDA-approved fifth generation gummy bear implants. The Sientra® Silimed-brand gummy bear implants are form-stable, meaning they retain their shape whether you’re standing up or lying down, thereby virtually eliminating rippling or folding in their shells. Additionally, the high-strength cohesive gel in these implants remains stable, even when cut in half, and they have a lower incidence of complications than earlier models. We also offer Mentor’s MemoryShape™ cohesive gel implants (CPGs) and Allergan’s Natrelle® 410 semi-solid implants, which increase women’s breast augmentation options significantly.



Of all of your different decisions for your Los Angeles breast implant options, one of the most important – and most challenging – is what the ideal implant size is for you.

Dr. Stevens is an expert at working with women to find the perfect size and shape of implant for each individual. When choosing the right implant, you must also consider “projection,” or “profile,” which is basically how far the breast will “stick out” from the chest wall. Other considerations include height and base width, as well as the shape of the implant. At Marina Plastic Surgery, we’ll guide you through all of your breast implant decisions. Our doctors have worked with thousands of women through the years, and they have learned which breast implants will give you the results you want. Historically, implants have come in two basic shapes, round and anatomical (or teardrop-shaped).

Round implants are more commonly used, and with the proper surgical technique, produce a very natural-looking result. Teardrop implants were designed to create a natural-looking breast with a sloping chest wall and more fullness at the bottom. It is critical that teardrop implants don’t shift within the breast pocket. Therefore, anatomical implants have textured covers which allow scar tissue to adhere and keep them stable. The FDA-approved, form-stable Sientra implants are available in round, oval and classic shapes. These implants come in low, moderate or high profile, which means more breast implant options for customizing breast augmentation results.


Los Angeles plastic surgeon dr grant stevens
Los Angeles plastic surgeon dr justin perez

If you'd like to find out more about your breast implant options Los Angeles plastic surgeons at Marina Plastic Surgery can walk you through the basics of fillings, sizes, shapes, and profiles during a consultation. To receive a consultation, request your appointment online and schedule your visit during one of the select times our surgeons have set aside exclusively for Web visitors.

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Discover why people from all 50 states and 63 countries around the world have made the journey to become our Patients for Life®. Schedule your consultation today to experience the industry-defining innovation and dedicated attention to detail of Marina Plastic Surgery in los angeles.

Marina Del Rey location

4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Pasadena location

150 East Colorado Blvd Suite 102, Pasadena, CA 91105